
✎ NIEMAN REPORTS 哈佛大學尼曼新聞基金會《尼曼報告》|20230724
A Billionaire, A TV Network, And The Fight for a Free Press in India
- The hostile takeover of NDTV — one of India’s last channels willing to report critically on the Modi government — leaves few independent voices during a critical election cycle
✎ DIGIDAY 美國數位媒體《數位日報》|20230725
Meta wants Threads to keep a light tone, but some publishers say the audience is ready for news
- Based on early engagement signals, some news publishers, like the Washington Post, are seeing that news and political content is definitely of interest to their followers. Meanwhile, others, like Texas Monthly, CBS News and Vice News, are testing their news content on the platform to see if there’s an appetite for it, particularly heading into an election year.
✎ THE GUARDIAN 《衛報》國際版|20230720
Labor to consider ways to protect ABC and SBS from future funding threats
- A review into the security of ABC and SBS funding will examine ways to protect the public broadcasters from future threats of privatisation and arbitrary funding cuts, the communications minister Michelle Rowland has said.
✎ PEW RESEARCH CENTER 美國皮尤研究中心|20230720
Most Americans favor restrictions on false information, violent content online
- Most Americans say the U.S. government and technology companies should each take steps to restrict false information and extremely violent content online. However, there is more support for tech companies moderating these types of content than for the federal government doing so, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
✎ PEW RESEARCH CENTER 美國皮尤研究中心|20230726
8 facts about Americans and Twitter as it rebrands to X
- In the same 2023 survey, a quarter of current or recent Twitter users said it is unlikely they will be on the site a year later. A plurality (40%) said they were extremely or very likely to use the site in a year, and 35% said they were somewhat likely to use it. But 25% said they were not very or not at all likely to be on Twitter a year from the time of the survey.
